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IT system tools used for NonConformance Management

The need for an IT tool should be assessed based on the needs of the project:
- If you have a few people involved in the process who either work in the same place or have easy access to the same files on a network then you may just need to agree on a process and the standard forms to use;
- If you have multiple sites and/or multiple organisations, or if you want your contractors to have some access into the Non-conformance management process, then it is very likely that you need to have an IT tool that can be accessed more widely.

There are several IT tools on the market, of variable quality and designed for somewhat variable purposes.  It is possible to customize some of these systems – the system should fit YOUR process, not the other way around.

Choosing and/or customizing an IT tool is a very important decision – make sure that it is made with a full understanding of the project and the project organization – and with knowledge and experience of the process.

You can find out more about the special terms used in non-conformity management, and about the concepts involved on this site.

This article was written by John Thropp and first published in March 2019.